Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Term 3 Week 2 : Netiquette

Hi,while we are communicating in cyberspace,we should not use capital letters and vulgar language.Netiquette is important.If we don't observe netiquette, we will be in big trouble, because if we insert our own photo on Internet,some people might use our photo and say nasty words about us or might even us our photo to pretend to be us!If my friend were to do this, i will give them a advise not to insert others people photo or theirs on Internet or give it to any body.I will also tell them not to use capital letters and vulgar language or insult others online.See You! = -)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Term 3 Week 1 : PE Attire

The reason the school had allowed us to wear our PE attire for the whole day is because we are taking such a long time to queue up and change into our school uniform.By the time we have already finished changing,we only have 10 minutes for our recess.The next reason is because,the principal did not want to add weight to our school bag as it is already very heavy.The advantages for this is that,we will be able to have more time for our recess,so that we will not rush when we had bought our food.It is also more convenient as we need not need to carry so many things to school and it can lighten our weight of our school bag.And the disadvantages are,we may be sweaty,sticky and smelly,and that may affect our personal hygiene and we may also get sick.But i still think the rules of letting us wear our PE attire is still the best way to do ; - )