Monday, May 26, 2008

Personal Response 5 : Earthquakes

Earthquakes are cause by two island crashing together, they cause vibration and both island will shake,this is what earthquakes are form.Most people will run for their lives,but some of them does not know what was happening.Earthquakes occurred in Beijing where schools tumble down. Because these countries were big,it will shakes more and destroy houses and buildings.The number of deaths will increase more and more,and the number of people living have decrease!Singapore is a safe country as it is only a tiny red dot.That's why i like Singapore,it's a home to me!

Reflection 5: My Mother

Mother's Day is a very special day to all mothers and i will always make a Mother's Day card for my mother.I am very close to my mother as she has took special care of me through out the years. My mother is a very special mother to me as i love her very much! .I am very proud of my mother!

Personal Response 4 : Child Safety Belt in School Bus

This year i do not take school bus to school,but i do take last year.Last year, the children behaviour in the school bus were very bad!They were very noisy and they were shouting all the way! I agree with Ms Karen Koh that safety belt should be install in school buses for safety make sure that children are save travelling in school bus,we should have another adult in the school bus to make all of them sit down,keep quite and not to move about.

Reflection 4 : Food Sold in our Canteen

I often eat in the school canteen as they are nicer and cheaper.My favourite stall is stall 1 which they sold fruit and drinks.I like this stall because they sold healthier food.I think 30% of the food in the canteen are healthy and the rest are not because they are too oily! 60% of the food are delicious but 40% of them are not delicious.Although some food are healthy, they are not so delicious,and some of them which are delicious, they are not healthy.I think we should include more healthy food and cut down more unhealthy food so that everyone will be more healthy!

Personal Response 3 : Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease is a kind of a very serious disease.Many people have these disease because, either they are unhygienic or they were spread by people who have Hand,Foot and Mouth Disease.These often happen on those people who are unhygienic like,not washing their hands before eating or after using the toilet.It is easy to tell whether people have these disease.Their mouth will have ulcer and their hand will have blisters.It is true that most children in kindergarden and below have Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease as they are too young to understand what is hygiene.We must keep ourselves clean in order to prevent these disease.All the people should also have good hygiene.BE CLEAN, BE HEALTHY!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Reflection 3: Friendship

Friendship is about the friends we care and share for.We must try to make new friends to accompany each other so that we will not be so lonely.Having a friend is important to us because,without a friend we won't be able to talk to them when we are in trouble or even stress.To make new friends,we must try to often talk and play with them,but we must be careful when we make friends.Not all friends are as good as what we think they are,and not all are bad too.I think it is important for Singaporeans to be friendly to everybody no matter who they are.As long as we are willing to make friends,we will be able to make lots of friends!