Sunday, August 31, 2008

Term 3 Week 5 : Sleepy Kids

I get to sleep 8 hours a day and i think that i do not get enough each day because every morning when i woke up,i could see dark eye rings around my eyes,and i would sometimes yarn during lesson or even when I'm doing my homework or any other things!But sometimes i would spent about 2 to 3 hours watching television or even writing my blog.I think that we people should sleep early in the night and wakes up early in the morning,and not to have the habit of taking a nap in the afternoon as when we goes to secondary school,we may not have the chance to sleep in the afternoon as we may be busy doing our work till night!

Term 3 : Week 4 : Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is something that we may call abuse,it is when a person used other people image to pretend that this picture of that person is him or her.Or when someone say nasty words about that person that him or her hates the most and put it online.Maybe it's because he or she dare not say all these word right in front of that person,so he or she does this online.If i were to know this person,i would tell him or her to stop cyberbullying and tell the victim to report abuse.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Term 3 Week 3 : The Right Use of 999

Hi again,i think the school children and the members of the plubic abuse the 999 call was just to joke with the police or just perhaps just to make fun of them when there is not even a problem for the police to solve.We should call 999 when there is some serious matter, like car accident,murdered,theft,robbery,burglars,etc.We should not dial 999 when there isn't any serious mater at the crime scene.The abuse of calling 999 may cause the police and us because,when there is a serious matter, we could not get through and the police will not know what is happening at the crime scene.So,don't ABUSE 999! =>

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Term 3 Week 2 : Netiquette

Hi,while we are communicating in cyberspace,we should not use capital letters and vulgar language.Netiquette is important.If we don't observe netiquette, we will be in big trouble, because if we insert our own photo on Internet,some people might use our photo and say nasty words about us or might even us our photo to pretend to be us!If my friend were to do this, i will give them a advise not to insert others people photo or theirs on Internet or give it to any body.I will also tell them not to use capital letters and vulgar language or insult others online.See You! = -)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Term 3 Week 1 : PE Attire

The reason the school had allowed us to wear our PE attire for the whole day is because we are taking such a long time to queue up and change into our school uniform.By the time we have already finished changing,we only have 10 minutes for our recess.The next reason is because,the principal did not want to add weight to our school bag as it is already very heavy.The advantages for this is that,we will be able to have more time for our recess,so that we will not rush when we had bought our food.It is also more convenient as we need not need to carry so many things to school and it can lighten our weight of our school bag.And the disadvantages are,we may be sweaty,sticky and smelly,and that may affect our personal hygiene and we may also get sick.But i still think the rules of letting us wear our PE attire is still the best way to do ; - )

Monday, May 26, 2008

Personal Response 5 : Earthquakes

Earthquakes are cause by two island crashing together, they cause vibration and both island will shake,this is what earthquakes are form.Most people will run for their lives,but some of them does not know what was happening.Earthquakes occurred in Beijing where schools tumble down. Because these countries were big,it will shakes more and destroy houses and buildings.The number of deaths will increase more and more,and the number of people living have decrease!Singapore is a safe country as it is only a tiny red dot.That's why i like Singapore,it's a home to me!

Reflection 5: My Mother

Mother's Day is a very special day to all mothers and i will always make a Mother's Day card for my mother.I am very close to my mother as she has took special care of me through out the years. My mother is a very special mother to me as i love her very much! .I am very proud of my mother!

Personal Response 4 : Child Safety Belt in School Bus

This year i do not take school bus to school,but i do take last year.Last year, the children behaviour in the school bus were very bad!They were very noisy and they were shouting all the way! I agree with Ms Karen Koh that safety belt should be install in school buses for safety make sure that children are save travelling in school bus,we should have another adult in the school bus to make all of them sit down,keep quite and not to move about.